Go FAR and Further Together with FARSPORTS

Go FAR and Further Together with FARSPORTS

As fun, exciting, and fulfilling as a new sport or competitive scene can be, getting started can be daunting - and cycling is no exception. Despite this, we were all beginner cyclists once, and all the information we take for granted now was brand new or unknown to us.

Even once you have taken the time to learn about the ins and outs of cycling and get your gear in order, showing up to that local group ride for the first time is intimidating and takes a lot of courage. 

Your first group ride probably wasn’t flawless, either. You might have just learned how to use clipless pedals, still in your baggy shirt, and maybe a little bit nervous about the possibility of getting dropped. 

Remember that rider who noticed you, waved, and gave you a warm welcome? Or the rider who kicked in the ‘friendly gear’ and rode next to you? Or maybe the rider who shared an energy gel that provided you the boost to get over that hill? Remember at the end of the ride how the group kept inviting you back?

That camaraderie and shared growth are what FARSPORTS is all about. We don’t want to simply be your cycling companion in terms of gear - we understand the importance of creating supportive groups, and we want to build a community that welcomes you and keeps inviting you back.

You can go far alone, but we go further together.



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